Friday 26 January 2018

Research and Planning: Designing an ESting

1) What format do you propose to use to create an ESting? (e.g., stop-frame techniques - with people/models/objects etc, claymation / Lego, time lapse photography, combined formats)

For our E Sting, we have chosen to create a ‘live action’ human animation by using stop frame techniques. We felt as if this would be much more effective than using inanimate materials, although it will be time consuming the overall animation will look effective and creative.

2) What will happen in your proposed ESting? Write a very brief narrative summary describing the action.

We have decided to create a more horror orientated E Sting as the majority of E4 idents we looked at seemed to focus more on a comedic light hearted approach.

3) In regards to diegesis, where will your animation be set? This relates to the setting and not your shooting locations.

We have chosen to film our E Sting in the old looking toilets at college. We decided that this would be the perfect setting for our horror orientated E Sting animation. We decided to film in the older toilets rather than any of the modern ones because it would be a much more appropriate atmosphere.

4) Are there (and do you predict there will be) any limitations or difficulties to face when you produce your ESting? Think about competence, finance, locations, resources and practicality.

One of our main difficulties would most likely be the time of day that we will be filming. We would not want to film when it is the brightest time of day as it would not reflect the right atmosphere we want to convey. We would need to film when it is slight darker. We would also need to ensure that we are not interrupted when filming by most likely putting up a sign and an email to let students know that they are occupied for a certain time. Finally, we would need to ensure we have the correct settings on the camera to make sure the final quality is at the highest standard. When it comes to the editing, we would need to use the music that E4 required. If we did not, we would not be following the guidelines that are set out for us. 

5) Who is the target audience for your ESting? Think about age, gender and interests/tastes.

The primary target audience, we feel, would most likely be teenagers and young adults who are interested in the horror genre. We feel as if it would mainly lean more towards females due to the concept of the ‘Bloody Mary/E4’ and the visual of the female in the animation. Our secondary audience would most likely be older adults who have grown up with the horror genre.

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